Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Elmer and company

Today is a little busy trying to get the house "perfect" for a second showing. It's almost impossible to keep it perfect with all the kids here but I'll just do the best I can.

I did have a few minutes while I'm letting the cleaner in the bathroom soak to post a few pictures of the kiddos. We had some friends over yesterday for a playdate (aka. sanity break) and they all wanted to watch a movie. I really don't like entertaining with the TV but sometimes it's nice when all the kids are quite and the mom's can talk.

The next pics are just breakfast this morning, I couldn't help but take some pictures when I saw Teagan and Blake wearing their hats.


chrisandshelly said...

Those kids are so ausome. It brought a tear to my eye to
see how big penelope is getting.
She is absolutey gorgeous and
has amazing features already.
wow guys good job.
love ya shel

Mullamphy Family said...

So cute! I really think that Penelope looks a lot like you, this is the first picture that I really noticed it..they are really beautiful kids!!

Nicole said...

We had a great sanity break if I would of none how the rest of the day was going to go I would of stayed all day:)

Mrs. TreeToe said...

Well, thanks for checking in on us. I'm pretty new to this whole blog thing. I CAN NOT believe how big your kiddos are! Crazy! Are you guys planning on staying in Hermiston pretty permanently? We'll have to stop by on our way through to Portland...someday. I'm so glad to hear things are going so great for you guys (as expected though). God bless!!!

Lindsay said...

Your children are beautiful. :)

I think maybe I've seen you at church... and you probably have no idea who I am... but I've enjoyed reading through your blog.

Blessings to you - Lindsay

sixwickerts said...

I hear you about keeping the house "show ready"!! It will be a good thing when both of our houses sell, so we can relax!