I can not believe it has been a month since our last post. Time really has flown by this summer. We have been good....busy...like everyone else I'm sure....but good. We just returned home on Tuesday from a trip down to Klamath Falls. We went down for Shelly's, Stan's sister, wedding. It went great and Shelly and her new husband, Chris, are in Hawaii right now for a well deserved honeymoon. I was one of the bridesmaids and Teagan and Blake were the flower girl and ring bear. They did good and took their jobs seriously. Especially Teagan, she could become a professional flower girl! We sold our suburban finally! We really loved it but the cost to drive it was UGLY! It was a great car for us other then the price of a fill up. Every time I drove it to WalMart I could her money falling out of it. We had it up for sale for about four months so it was nice to finally sell it. So now I am officially a mini van mom! YIKES...it makes me feel old, but I have to say, I LOVE my mini van. We did quite a bit of research on them and decided to go with the trusted Honda Odyssey. We bought a used one...but it's in great shape and only has had one owner. I told Stan I don't think I'm as cute driving a mini-van (no offense to other mini van moms) but I'm so happy to be saving all the gas money! Maybe I'll take all that extra money saved and buy a cute new outfit or two that will make me feel better! Yesterday we had our first Urgent Care visit. Blake and Teagan were playing and Blake ended up cracking his head open.(I think it was caused by a violent, yet playful, push from Teagan) He some how hit something hard on the couch (can you tell they are always well supervised?) and split the back of his head open. It really wasn't too big but it was wide enough that I didn't think it would grow back together very well. So, I loaded up all three kids (after I sprayed Resolve on the blood stained carpet) and off we went to the doctor. Thankfully, he didn't need stitches just some glue. Stan and I will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary on Sunday. It's hard to believe it's only been seven long, long years. Just kidding!! I keep teasing him that I've been feeling itchy lately. He just attributes that to all of the spit up on my shirt and my lack of showering. Actually, I feel blessed to have shared the last 7 years with Stan. He is a pretty great guy!